Life Lessons 2024

We only get one of these lives so cherish every moment. Don’t let fear control you, face those challenges to be able to truly live. People may judge you but they may only know the old version of you. Pasts cannot be erased and we take the good with the bad and learn from our mistakes. Let go of what you can and apologize when you should.

Look at those around you. Does your circle of people ripple outward and help your grow or do they create walls to shield you from reality? Reality is not comfortable or easy to face but a necessary part of the process. Pray for the wisdom to recognize the difference and realize walls are not a long term solution to life. There is so much life to live beyond those walls, that is where the real growth is. That is where the journey is.

Life is short, every breath, every heartbeat is a blessing and reminds us we have purpose in this world. Break those walls, live your purpose, find joy in the good and bad of the journey. That is where we truly live. Remember that life can change in the blink of an eye, take nothing for granted because you never know what tomorrow holds.

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